know out about Legal Entity Identifier - LEI number

Legal Entity Identifier

The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a unique global identifier for legal entities participating in financial transactions. Also known as an LEI code or LEI number, its purpose is to help identify legal entities on a globally accessible database. Legal entities are organisations such as companies or government entities that participate in financial transactions. An individual person may not obtain an LEI. The identifier is used in regulatory reporting to financial regulators and all financial companies and funds are required to have an LEI.

The identifier is a 20-character alpha-numeric code based on the International Organization for Standardization's ISO 17442 standard (ISO). It connects to critical information that allows for the clear and unique identification of legal entities involved in financial transactions. Each LEI database entry contains information about an entity's ownership, answering the questions "who is who" and "who owns whom." As a result, the publicly available LEI data pool can be viewed as a global directory of non-individual financial market participants.

The 2011 G20 developed the LEI system in response to financial institutions' inability to uniquely identify organisations so that their financial transactions in different national jurisdictions could be fully tracked. At the moment, the Legal Entity

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